My writing is in national publications and I have an MA from the U. of Cincinnati in Professional Writing & Editing, but I'm About much more.
Traveling and staying healthy have been my passions since my early 20s. Over the years I swam, did fitness dance, step aerobics, and taekwondo, rode my bike, lifted weights, and still I switch it up, but hiking and yoga are my consistents.
I'm a yoga snob, meaning I'm dedicated to one type: posture- and core-focused LYT yoga, a style developed by a physical therapist. I am a certified LYT instructor and have studied yoga philosophy since 2015, not on and off but a continual intake, whether through reading or taking an in-person or online live or self-paced class. And through this study, each day I'm becoming a better person.
If you are interested in improving yourself, pay attention to whom you spend time with, podcasts you listen to, series you watch. Do these people and things reflect the values you want to have? Start every day with a reading from The Daily Present by Sri Swami Satchidananda. His teachings will shift your outlook and brighten your inner landscape to clear the fogginess around what matters to you.
Stay tuned concerning an upcoming column about my lessons from real life, inspired by the teachings of the swami.